We Speak American Motion Poster (ไทย)
“This is America, Speak English!”
This statement makes me furious and terrified. Why a country built by immigrants like the United States of America still has an issue with allowing people to speak their mother tongue?
As an immigrant and a graphic designer who has been struggling to “Speak English.” I would like to turn this harsh statement into a project that helps empower immigrants to overcome and be confident in their skin.
We Speak American Motion Poster (Español)
We Speak American Poster (ไทย)
#wespeakamerican is the name of the project. America is a multi-lingual country. Being American means we have the freedom to choose what language we want to speak because every language that we speak in this country is “American Language.”
We Speak American Poster (Español)
The motion poster animates in two distinct languages—Thai (my native language) and Spanish (another language that I started to learn). It displays the empowering message to reflect that speaking more than one language is beneficial.
“This is America, Speak Whatever Language You Want”